

verb sub·lime \sə-ˈblīm\

Definition of SUBLIME

transitive verb
:  to cause to pass directly from the solid to the vapor state and condense back to solid form
[French sublimer, from Latin sublimare]
a (1) :  to elevate or exalt especially in dignity or honor
(2) :  to render finer (as in purity or excellence)
b :  to convert (something inferior) into something of higher worth
intransitive verb
:  to pass directly from the solid to the vapor state
sub·lim·able \-ˈblī-mə-bəl\ adjective
sub·lim·er noun

Examples of SUBLIME

  1. … models indicate that frost in most of the southern hemisphere is currently subliming, thinning the surface deposits. —William B. McKinnon et al., Encyclopedia Of The Solar System, 1999

Origin of SUBLIME

Middle English, from Middle French sublimer, from Medieval Latin sublimare to refine, sublime, from Latin, to elevate, from sublimis
First Known Use: 14th century


adjective sub·lime \sə-ˈblīm\

: very beautiful or good : causing strong feelings of admiration or wonder

: complete or extreme


Full Definition of SUBLIME

a :  lofty, grand, or exalted in thought, expression, or manner
b :  of outstanding spiritual, intellectual, or moral worth
c :  tending to inspire awe usually because of elevated quality (as of beauty, nobility, or grandeur) or transcendent excellence
a archaic :  high in place
b obsolete :  lofty of mien :  haughty
c capitalized :  supreme —used in a style of address
d :  complete, utter <sublime ignorance>
sub·lime·ly adverb
sub·lime·ness noun

Examples of SUBLIME

  1. New Orleans is not just a list of attractions or restaurants or ceremonies, no matter how sublime and subtle. New Orleans is the interaction among all those things, and countless more. —Tom Piazza, Why New Orleans Matters, 2005

Origin of SUBLIME

Latin sublimis, literally, high, elevated
First Known Use: circa 1567

Synonym Discussion of SUBLIME

splendid, resplendent, gorgeous, glorious, sublime, superb mean extraordinarily or transcendently impressive. splendid implies outshining the usual or customary <the wedding was a splendid occasion>. resplendent suggests a glowing or blazing splendor <resplendent in her jewelry>. gorgeous implies a rich splendor especially in display of color <a gorgeous red dress>. glorious suggests radiance that heightens beauty or distinction <a glorious sunset>. sublime implies an exaltation or elevation almost beyond human comprehension <a vision of sublime beauty>. superb suggests an excellence reaching the highest conceivable degree <her singing was superb>.
SUBLIME[1] Defined for Kids


adjective sub·lime \sə-ˈblīm\

Definition of SUBLIME for Kids

:  grand or noble in thought, expression, or manner <sublime truths>
:  beautiful or impressive enough to arouse a feeling of admiration and wonder <sublime scenery>
Medical Dictionary


verb sub·lime \sə-ˈblīm\

Medical Definition of SUBLIME

transitive verb
:  to cause to pass from the solid to the vapor state by heating and to condense back to solid form
intransitive verb
:  to pass directly from the solid to the vapor state


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